Project Kati


A soon-to-be 166-megawatt data center in Texas. This site is connected to a wind farm with loads of excess energy. Here is Kati’s influence…

The power plant was...

Not selling all the power the plant generated because the grid was overloaded and demand was low. Not sending all the power the plant generated because of a congested grid. Not earning all the tax credits that were available.

Soluna plans to...

Buy a majority of their excess energy. Enable the plant to sell its energy even when there is abundant energy on the grid. Make the grid stable by ramping up or down our demand as needed to support the grid.

So then...

Plant owners will earn more by selling their excess energy and receiving all their available tax credits. They will be able to predict their revenues more accurately & consistently.

What's in a name?

Soluna continues its tradition of naming its data centers after women scientists who help catalyze major innovation. Project Kati is named after Kati Kariko, a Hungarian scientist who was instrumental in the development of mRNA-based protein therapies. Her decades of relentless work have helped form today’s modern mRNA vaccines. We’re building a data center to help the grid. We’re inspired by Kati’s passion-fueled tenacity as we build our second greenfield project in Texas. 

Learn about Kati