Soluna Holdings Provides 2022 Earnings Power Illustration


To see the full update, including presentation and transcript, click here.


Demonstrates Energizing 100MW, Scaling to 3EH

ALBANY, N.Y., January 19, 2022 — Soluna Holdings, Inc. (“SHI” or the “Company”), (NASDAQ: SLNH) (NASDAQ: SLNHP), the parent company of Soluna Computing, Inc. (“SCI”), a developer of green data centers for cryptocurrency mining and other intensive computing, today provided its 2022 earnings power illustration.


Michael Toporek, CEO of Soluna Holdings stated, “Following a strong 2021, we are pleased to provide our 2022 earnings power illustration to help our investors fully comprehend the strength and potential of our business as our team continues to execute on our growth plan. As you will see in the illustration, even at significantly lower BTC prices, we will generate meaningful revenue and strong contribution margin. We remain fully focused on return on invested capital and are excited about our near-term growth objectives as well as our longer-term strategy beyond crypto.”


2022 Corporate Goals

  • Energize 100 MW – Develop and energize over 100 MW of net new data centers in the US. Upgrade existing facilities to maximize Exahash and production output
  • Scale 3 EH – Procure, upgrade and deploy mining equipment to increase the company’s combined Hashrate
  • Originate 600 MW – Expand development pipeline to add over 600 MW of additional BTM projects in the US and beyond with at least 100 MW outside the US
  • Seed 1 MW GPUs – Develop and energize a 1 MW Cryptocurrency facility with 100% GPUs and sign one contracted pilot customer to serve HPC computing loads


Earnings Power Illustration: Various BTC Prices




A presentation and corresponding video is available on the Company’s website at


About Soluna Holdings, Inc.

Soluna Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: SLNH) is the leading developer of green data centers that convert excess renewable energy into global computing resources. Soluna builds modular, scalable data centers for computing intensive, batchable applications such as cryptocurrency mining, AI and machine learning. Soluna provides a cost-effective alternative to battery storage or transmission lines. Soluna’s MTI Instruments division manufactures precision tools and testing equipment for electronics, aviation, automotive, power and other industries. Both Soluna and MTI Instruments use technology and intentional design to solve complex, real-world challenges. Up to 30% of the power of renewable energy projects can go to waste. Soluna’s data centers enable clean electricity asset owners to ‘Sell. Every. Megawatt.’

For more information about Soluna, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn at and Twitter @SolunaHoldings. 

Forward Looking Statements

This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements reflect management’s current expectations, as of the date of this communication, and involve certain risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements include statements herein with respect to the successful execution of the Company’s business strategy. The Company’s actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. Such risks and uncertainties include, among other things, our ability to establish and maintain the proprietary nature of our technology through the patent process, as well as our ability to possibly license from others patents and patent applications necessary to develop products; the availability of financing; the Company’s ability to implement its long range business plan for various applications of its technology; the Company’s ability to enter into agreements with any necessary partners; the impact of competition, the obtaining and maintenance of any necessary regulatory clearances applicable to applications of the Company’s technology; and management of growth and other risks and uncertainties that may be detailed from time to time in the Company’s reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Investor Relations:

Kirin Smith, President
PCG Advisory, Inc.


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