Mechanical Technology Announces Presentation at Q2 Investor Summit

ALBANY, N.Y., May 11, 2021 – Mechanical Technology, Incorporated (“MTI” or the “Company”), (NASDAQ: MKTY), the parent company of MTI Instruments, Inc. and EcoChain, Inc.(“EcoChain”), a cryptocurrency mining business powered by renewable energy, announced today that the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, Michael Toporek, will be presenting at the Q2 Investor Summit.

The presentation will be held on Tuesday May 18th, 2021 at 11:00 AM (Eastern Time) and the live video webcast can be accessed here:

The company will also be holding 1-to-1 meetings with Investors on May 17th and 18th. To request a complimentary investor registration and 1-to-1 meeting with the management team of Mechanical Technology, please visit the conference website at

About MTI

MTI is the parent company of MTI Instruments, Inc. and EcoChain, Inc. Through EcoChain, MTI is developing cryptocurrency mining facilities powered by renewable energy that integrate with the blockchain network. Through MTI Instruments, MTI is engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of test and measurement instruments and systems that use a comprehensive array of technologies to solve complex, real world applications in numerous industries, including manufacturing, electronics, semiconductor, solar, commercial and military aviation, automotive and data storage. For more information about MTI, please visit

About the Investor Summit

The Investor Summit (formerly MicroCap Conference) is an exclusive, independent conference dedicated to connecting small-cap and micro-cap companies with qualified investors. The Q2 Investor Summit will take place virtually, featuring 80+ companies and over 300 institutional and retail investors. To request complimentary investor registration: please visit our website at

Contact Information:
Jess Olszowy

Investor Relations:
Kirin Smith, President
PCG Advisory, Inc.

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