Trenching and Concrete Video

Here’s a video giving you a quick tour of the site where you can see completed switchgear and transformer pads,..Read More

Timelapse of Initial MDC Assembly

Here’s a timelapse showing how quickly a team can build an MDC on-site. They bolt together in hours.

Time to go Vertical

The parts arrived on a flatbed, and then its time for assembly.

Spin up the Factory!

Our factory in Kentucky started pre-fabricating our buildings, saving an incredible amount of time on site while increasing the precision..Read More

Concrete Jungle

Once the trenching and conduit was installed, it was time for concrete.

Time to go Underground!

In early July, we started with trenching the site.  This included trenching for all of the electrical and IT distribution.

Some Fresh Renders!

As we progressed on the design, we generated more renderings.

Initial Site Work Begins

Once we had the green light on permits and design, we began the initial sitework. This included clearing the site,..Read More

Site Layout Complete

In April we had finalized the overall dimensions of the MDCs, and finished the thermal simulations of the site. This..Read More